October 28 – Youth Group (EDGE) - All Hallow’s Eve
Halloween actually has significant Catholic roots. The name itself comes from All Hallow’s Eve, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day and Souls Day, when Catholics remember those who have gone before us to enter our heavenly home. Join us as we remember our departed brothers and sisters and celebrate Halloween. Our celebration will include a screening and discussion of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Food, and Fellowship. More details to follow.
The 2024 Youth Mission Trip to Pikeville, KY, was a huge success. Thank You to all who participated in and supported the Mission Trip. Planning has already started for the 2025 Mission Trip—the trip is scheduled for June 9 – 13, 2025! We hope you can join us. This is a great way to serve your community and earn service hours!
IHM is seeking a dynamic and outgoing person to be our next Youth Minister. The Coordinator of Youth Ministry (Youth Minister) provides vision and coordination for the parish's efforts in ministry to young people from 6th through 12th grades. This includes organizing and running high school and middle school youth ministry programs and assisting with catechesis and sacramental preparation programs. The main goal of this position is to assist with the parish's youth ministry program. The youth ministry and religious education programs strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the parish youth to grow their love of God through fellowship, exposure to a wide range of prayer styles, church doctrine, and participation in the Catholic Liturgy. For more information or a detailed job description, please contact, Amy Malventano ([email protected])