Are you willing to get sprayed with shaving cream, act dramatically in skits, play goofy games with teens, and lead them in prayer? Do you enjoy serving the community, building teens into leaders, ministry event planning, and engaging people in conversation about their faith and how to apply it to their lives?
We need adult volunteers who will pray for our teens, advise and assist with ministry event planning, who know how to play and pray hard, and who can be present and help out at events when possible. As with any ministry, a solid group of volunteers is essential! Please pray and ask God if he may be calling you to join our youth ministry team for the 2021-2022 school year! We are looking for adults who can help out with Middle-School EDGE on Mondays twice a month, High-school Youth Group on Sunday evenings twice a month, and Sports and Adoration on Fridays twice a month through the summer and school year, as well as adults to help with service events and retreats. We especially would love to see young adults and college students but any adult interested is sorely needed! If you are interested, please reach out to