As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10)
“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others"
(Phillipians 2:4)
Stewardship is a way of life whereby we, as disciples, recognize that a person is not the absolute master of his/her own possessions. As stewards we are caretakers of all God’s gifts. Gratitude for these gifts is expressed in prayer and worship and we are to share these gifts out of love of God, one another, our parish, diocese and the universal Church.
Stewardship is not a gimmick for raising funds for the Church. Jesus specifically talks Stewardship in a number of His parables. By addressing stewardship directly, He made it clear how He wanted us to live. One of those ways is to become involved with others and share with them what we have, not only our treasure, but our time and talent as well.
Stewardship is based on God’s word, not on the fundraising needs of the church. Stewardship is based on an individual’s need to give, not on the Church’s need to receive. Stewardship is based on the premise that all that we have and all that we are comes from God, and as a way to thank Him for all His blessings, we return to God a portion of the time, talent, and treasure allotted to us. A person’s decision to give his or her time, talent and treasure is based on his or her need to give, which is inspired by the Holy Spirit within us.
Giving of time, talent and treasure is not limited to the parish. Most people will also give of their time and talent as volunteers, where possible, to diocesan or community agencies in addition to volunteering in their parish. Most will also give money to other community agencies in addition to supporting their parish.
Parishioners are asked to prayerfully consider their stewardship. The documents provided on this page, Treasure and Time and Talent, are provided for your use. After completion of the forms send them to the Parish office—but keep a copy for yourself so you can continually reflect on your commitment of stewardship.