Heavenly Father, please pour your blessings on my ministry today.
It is an honor and privilege to serve the Lord at His table.
Please guide my hands and my steps that I may fulfill my duties with grace and devotion. I ask this in the name of Jesus whom I serve with Joy. Amen.
Sacristan is a liturgical function. The sacristan diligently arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass.
Many of the Sacristan’s duties are related to taking care of the Sacristy (hence the name Sacristan) and the sacred items in the Sacristy. This is the area of the church which serves as a holding room for the sacred items used in the Holy Mass as well as all of the liturgical vestments worn by the priest, deacon and server.
The Sacristan usually arrives about twenty minutes before Mass begins. He or she makes sure that all is in ready for Mass: the chalice, cruets, linens, oils, crosses, candles, and the liturgical ministers (lector, extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, hospitality, and servers). Once Mass has ended, the sacristan ensures all items are cleaned and properly made ready for the next Mass.
A full description of the duties and responsibilities can be fouind at the document on the left.