PRAYER AND MASS – First and foremost, we need to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Everything starts with the MASS, the greatest of all prayers! It’s the source and summit of our faith, a
window into the soul of Christ. Prayer, our communication with God, includes traditional prayer, personal prayer, spontaneous prayer, meditation, contemplation, to name a few.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE – knowing that we are in a spiritual battle from the moment we are born until
the moment we pass on -we MUST understand Satan and his many ways of attacking us, and have
a solid game plan to fight the battle.
THE POWER OF SACRAMENTS – Jesus gave us these in order to shower us with His graces. We
can’t become strong and holy without them. The sacraments gird us for the battle, as well as do
sacramentals, the 10 Commandments, understanding virtue and vice, and much more.
TOOLS FOR THE BATTLE --include the Bible, Tradition, the Magisterium, the Blessed Virgin
Mary, Church Fathers, the Communion of the Holy Angels and Saints, how suffering can aid us and
others, and much more.
FAITH, SCIENCE, and current events within our society. It’s extremely important to look at these
through the eyes of sound Catholicism.
Part 1—‘PRAYER AND MASS’-- The liturgy that we are so privileged to participate in every Sunday, instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, has literally been practiced for thousands of years. The tradition of this beautiful Mass has a remarkable history with profound meaning, and serves as Our Lord’s continued Presence in the world today. As such, we have been commissioned to be His disciples to preserve and protect our sacred tradition, and to bring the good news to the world around us. Each week, beginning in June, a brief explanation of a part of the mass will be given. Further details on that particular section will be posted in the bulletin, as well as in the other means of parish communication. The better we understand this beautiful liturgy the more we will LOVE it, and the better we can LIVE it. It all starts with the heart. The heart is the window to the soul. The Mass is the heart and the soul of our Catholic faith.
We will keep you apprised of upcoming events and opportunities for further faith formation. And please
remember the Question cards located in the pews for you to write down any questions you might have about our faith. The dropbox for your cards is located in the gathering space. Catholicism is a way of life and a lifelong, journey. Please pray that, as a community, the Holy Spirit will lead us, enrich us, and strengthen our faith as we embark together on this exciting journey.